Using the MySpace Macedonia website is simple.
Just follow this steps:
1. Use the categories in the sidebar to locate the picture that you want to use.
2. When you find your picture, look below it. There is a box with the code that you have to copy.
3. Click in the box and select the code. For that, use: 'CTRL+A' keys at the keyboard, or just select the code with the mouse.
4. Copy the code: 'CTRL+C' (keyboard) or 'Right Click' and than 'Copy' (with the mouse).
5. Go to your/your friend's website (guestbook, e-mail letter...), and paste the code: 'CTRL+V' (keyboard) or 'Right Click' and than 'Paste' (with the mouse).
6. Send the comment/letter.
7. You're done. ;)
See, it's easy.
The next time you can do it on your own.
* Note: you can use the HTML code only at places (blogs, websites, guestbooks...) where it is allowed/supported.

Macedonian Comments, Graphics, Pictures, Backgrounds, HTML Codes, Images, Layouts, Funny Stuff for Facebook, MySpace, HI5 and other online communities and websites